Error 404 Not Found


Forwarded to ErrorController (4caab4)

Log Messages

Level (7)
Channel (5)
Time Message
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/templating 6.4: "Symfony\Component\Templating\EngineInterface" is deprecated since version 6.4 and will be removed in 7.0. Use Twig instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/templating 6.4: "Symfony\Component\Templating\StreamingEngineInterface" is deprecated since version 6.4 and will be removed in 7.0. Use Twig instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/templating 6.4: "Symfony\Component\Templating\DelegatingEngine" is deprecated since version 6.4 and will be removed in 7.0. Use Twig instead.
info Connecting with parameters
  "driver" => "pdo_mysql"
  "charset" => "UTF8MB4"
  "host" => "localhost"
  "port" => 3306
  "user" => "pimcoreuser"
  "password" => "<redacted>"
  "dbname" => "pimcore"
  "driverOptions" => [
    1002 => "SET sql_mode = '';"
  "serverVersion" => "8.0.36-0ubuntu0.20.04.1"
  "defaultTableOptions" => [
    "charset" => "UTF8MB4"
    "engine" => "InnoDB"
    "collate" => "utf8mb4_general_ci"
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.cached_reader" service is deprecated without replacement.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.reader" service is deprecated without replacement.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.cache_adapter" service is deprecated without replacement.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/validator 6.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorBuilder::setDoctrineAnnotationReader()" is deprecated without replacement.
error Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET"" at RouterListener.php line 127
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/serializer 6.4: Passing a "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\PsrCachedReader" instance as argument 1 to "Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader\AttributeLoader::__construct()" is deprecated, pass null or omit the parameter instead.

There are no log messages.

Container Compilation Logs (0)

Log messages generated during the compilation of the service container.

There are no compiler log messages.